Welcome to Cart Designer!

This new feature allows you to visually modify the look-and-feel of your site with ease. You can drag elements to different areas, change font properties, modify color schemes and much more.

Here are some important tips to remember:

  • To change an element of your site, simply right-click your mouse on that element and choose, "Edit Visual Properties". This will allow you to change colors, images and other properties of the element you select.
  • Make sure to save your changes before exiting Cart Designer. You can do so by clicking on the "Save" button the Toolbar at the bottom of the page.
  • You don't have to manually repeat your changes on every page of your site. When clicking on the "Save" button from the Toolbar, you may then choose to apply your changes to one page or all pages.
  • If you would like to restore your site to its original layout or "skin", you can do so on the Toolbar -> Global Elements.

Our engineering team continues to enhance this great new feature, so please let us know if you have any suggestions or concerns.